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question: Are there private wind power generators? context:

3 answers

It costs more than 5 million RMB for a dantai unit itself. And installment payments are not allowed. Think it through before you speak. In addition, there cannot be residents within 300 meters of the unit, otherwise there will be unacceptable noise pollution. Think it through before you speak. The ground needs to cooperate with the installation of a 10kV booster transformer and power transmission line. You can't have these auxiliary facilities. The above are only the installation stage, and do not include monitoring, regular inspection, patrol, maintenance, and overhaul during the power generation stage. It is definitely possible, but you need to have all the procedures in order.

2 answers

Generally, it takes 8 years to recover the cost, and given the current situation of power shortage, it is likely to cause substantial losses. Wind power is dependent on policies. Once the policies change, the industry will collapse. All of the private projects owned by the bosses in our company have died except for those that are laundering money. The location should be in a place with abundant wind resources, and the terrain should be flat.

14 answers

It is possible to build one's own micro-hydropower generators. There are some things to consider:

There should be a small stream with a flow rate of at least 0.01 per second, even during the driest season of the year. There should be a certain drop in elevation, and a 500-meter drop in elevation for every 10 meters is more suitable. A budget of around 15,000 RMB is needed. If there are certain requirements for stable power supply, it is best to choose a hydro-diesel dual-use unit and purchase a voltage stabilizer. Other than that, the water authorities only manage rivers above a certain scale. ---2015.07.12------------Adding a picture. I saw this on the internet, a small generator used by a family in a small mountain village in Guilin. You read it right, the water inlet is made of bamboo. Let me talk about solar photovoltaic power generation systems. From the perspective of resource acquisition difficulty, market promotion efforts, and registration difficulty, solar photovoltaic power generation systems are currently the most practical for home power stations.

14 answers

However, if you want to get money from the government, it is not easy. There are a series of procedures from registration to grid connection to applying for subsidies, and there are various forms to fill out. Here is a program to see: Registration procedures: Grid connection procedures Application for electricity subsidy There are two applications, one is filled out on the "Renewable Energy Information Network", and a registration certificate is required for this. This one is relatively simple and is reviewed by the Provincial Development and Reform Commission. The other one is more troublesome. Residents need to collect materials and report to the power supply system, and submit them step by step: Provincial Power Grid-Southern Power Grid-National Finance Bureau, Energy Bureau, and Development and Reform Bureau. Once these three national bureaus approve it, they will issue a subsidy list. If your project is on the list, you are eligible for a subsidy. This is a qualification review.

14 answers

In 2000, I conducted a survey in a county on the border of Guizhou and Guangxi and saw micro-hydropower generator units used by local families, with a capacity of 2-3 kilowatts. It was simple and shocking: a plastic water intake pipe more than ten meters long, a micro water turbine and a generator integrated machine, and a palm-sized control switch directly connected to the home appliances. In fact, hydroelectric power generation is not complicated in principle, nor is its practical application. The complexity lies in large-scale and control automation. First, here is a picture found online from a manufacturer of the unit. Ignore the advertising part. If you want to build such a thing in a small mountain stream by yourself, you should pay attention to a few things:

14 answers

After passing the qualification review, you also need to report the power generation volume every year, which is also reported step by step, in order to receive subsidies based on the power generation volume. Other subsidies from local governments - this varies from region to region, so ask relevant departments such as the Development and Reform
